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The MAC Bloggers’ Obsessions Collection: MAC evolution revolution Lipglass

I mean the very first spark that led to MAC evolution revolution Lipglass ($14.50) ignited one day in Mrs. Mannah’s second-grade class. The year was 1982, and I’d just met Jen, who would swiftly become one of my lifelong BFFs.

Evolution revolution is the shade I created for the upcoming MAC Bloggers’ Obsessions Collection, a nine-piece collection of MAC Eyeshadows and Lipglasses launching June 21, exclusively online (available now!). It’s also the real reason for the secret squirrel trip I took to Toronto last April.


MAC evolution revolution Lipglass

MAC Lipglass in evolution Revolution

Jen and I still recall with frightening accuracy all of the cute kids in our second-grade class. “Remember Lee, with the missing tooth?” Jen will ask. “Oh, yeah,” I’ll reply. “Total hottie.”

Sometimes I find it hard to believe, but we’ve been obsessing over kids for nearly 27 years. Jen’s having a baby kid in the fall, and I can already tell he’s going to be the new object of our affections.


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The next piece of the EvRev puzzle fell into place the very next year in Mrs. Hartunian’s third-grade class, which is when I met Cindy. She had long black hair, a talent for drawing graceful pictures of glamorous girls, and a terrific Granny Goose potato chip hookup (her daddy worked there, so she would always bring a substantial box of assorted chips to every class party).

Cindy is still my primary surf buddy, and the one person I can always depend on when I’m feeling blue.

But evolution Revolution’s real roots didn’t take hold until high school, when Jen, Cindy and I all played flute in the school band. It was between orchestra rehearsals and marching band competitions (BAND GEEKS!) that our friendship really grew.

Evolution revolution honors the bonds of friendship and the people who are there for us through good times and bad. but that’s not the entire story behind this warm peachy pink gloss…

What is the MAC Bloggers’ Obsessions Collection?

Back in January, MAC asked a group of appeal bloggers to submit ideas, in pictures and words, for an upcoming collection of Lipglasses and Eyeshadows. nine of the submissions would eventually go on to become the products in the release.

When I was brainstorming ideas for colors, two things kept popping into my head: 1) memories of a trip that Jen, Cindy and I took to Maui a few years ago; and 2) how we’re all shaped by the challenges we face. two hundred and fifty words later, evolution revolution was born.

In a way, I’m thankful for the obstacles life frequently throws in my path, because it’s the challenges that force us to change, grow and evolve.

One afternoon, while I was on holiday with two of my closest pals from childhood, I witnessed something I’ll never forget. We were on the last day of our girl’s trip to Maui and had pulled the automobile over at an unnamed beach to catch one final sunset before heading home. Standing there on the side of the road, I caught a look of the light falling on our faces the moment the sun drifted underneath the horizon. The colors flashed from buttery gold, pink, peach and purple to glittering blue and green and back again.

It was one of those moments when you feel like you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. I realized that every bump in the road helped me get to that spot, changing me into the girl standing there on that strip of sand, etching that moment into memory.

Like colors shifting in the light as it falls on a woman’s face at sunset, the colors of evolution revolution Lipglass are stunning and complex — from some angles, pink; from others, peachy gold. and when the light hits them just right, we see brief flashes of purple, green and blue micro glitter.

We all face challenges that change us, but I like to think they also help us get where we need to be.

That is evolution Revolution.

I also submitted a few pictures with the idea…

Cindy, me and Jen on my wedding day in 2006

The nameless beach on Maui where we enjoyed the sunset

Just a random picture of a flower I took; I like the lightest pinkish peach parts on the petals

Some a lot more imagery for the Lipglass…

In the lab at the Estée Lauder companies Canadian advancement Centre last April, I mixed pigments like a mad makeup scientist until everything about the color felt just right.

MAC paired each of the bloggers with a chemist during the color mixing/matching phase. Cheryl (she developed the MAC acrylic Paints; can you believe it?!) and I hit it off ideal away!

The first two versions of evolution revolution were a little lighter than I envisioned, so Cheryl helped me make a few adjustments

The very first finished tube of evolution Revolution

I can only hope that MACaholics love the color as much as I do, because when I hold it in my hand, I see much a lot more than a LipglaSS…

Ich sehe den Stoff lebenslanger Freundschaften.

Ich sehe die Stärke in jedem einzelnen von uns.

Und eine Menge von allen, ich sehe dich.

Das subtile grüne, blaue und lila Glitzer funkelt auf Ihren Lippen, wenn Sie am Abschlusstag über die Bühne gehen. Die Röhre wartet an Ihrem ersten Tag geduldig in Ihrer Handtasche. Die Zauberstabwellen in Ihren Fingerspitzen, wenn Sie feststellen, dass Sie endlich über ihm sind und Sie wissen, dass es Ihnen gut gehen wird.

Dieser Lipglass ist mein Liebesbrief an Sie, mein Freund, und ich hoffe, er hilft Ihnen, die Geschichte Ihres Lebens zu schreiben.

Ihr freundlicher Nachbarschaftsaufrufsüchtiger,



P.S.S. In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass Sie hier sind, ist es wahrscheinlich sicher anzunehmen, dass Sie MAC -Kosmetik genauso mögen wie ich. Hast du meine Mac -Galerie gesehen? Dies ist eine visuelle Möglichkeit, nach Mac -Bewertungen zu suchen und im Make -up- und Berufungsblog zu suchen.

Die gesamte Obsessions -Sammlung von Mac Bloggern

Lipglassen ($ 14.50 US/$ 17.50 CDN)
Karens Lipglas, Evolution Revolution: Ein warmes Pfirsichrosa mit subtilen lila, grünen und blauen Mikroglitter
Patrices Lipglas, mein ganzes lila Leben: eine tiefe lila/traube mit subtilem Funkeln
Lilys Lipglass, Caqui: Eine Persimmonorange
Aileens Lipglass, Sonoran Rain: Eine tiefe Korallenrot mit Gold- und Silberperle
Wendys Lipglass, Nitro: Licious 2046: Ein intensives glänzendes Rot

Lidschatten ($ 14.50 US/$ 17.50 CDN)
Bernsteins Lidschatten, Funkeln, Neely, Funkeln!
Christines Lidschatten, Eifersucht wacht auf
Lesley Ellens Lidschatten, Pariser Himmel: ein gedämpfter graublau
Lianne’s Lidschatten, Hocus Pocus: Ein dunkles Rußgrau mit silbernen Perle

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